Rustic Country Soaps & Grace’s Nutrition Center Team Up to Aid Ukrainian Refugees
Hello! We are Michael & Sandy Louth, owners of Rustic Country Soaps in Magnolia. We wanted in some way to help the refugees leaving Ukraine to escape the brutality being unleashed against them. So many elderly people, women and children have flooded into neighboring countries where they can at least find safety, after leaving most of their belongings, and life as they knew it behind. Albeit the great people in those neighboring countries are providing so much, there is so much more we all can do. We were looking for someone who could help ensure our donations would reach those very people needing at least some sense of normalcy. Michelle Garcia, owner of Grace’s Nutrition Center in Spring was just that special person. She and her wonderful Team have been arranging acceptance of donations from clothing, medical supplies, medical equipment and more. We explained to Michelle that we make handmade soaps and felt it was something that would be quite helpful. Michelle wholeheartedly agreed.
On Friday April 8th, Sandy delivered almost 600 bars of handmade soap to Grace’s Nutrition Center. We provided unique and colorful bars for children, along with bars for the adults. Michelle will divide the soaps into four packages, and these will be distributed by Missionaries traveling to the region soon. We are so grateful to you all! Rustic Country Soaps is very proud to be able to make at least a small difference in some of these people’s lives. We may not be able to help a lot of people, but perhaps this will help some people a lot. To date we have donated over 800 bars of soap.